O Worship the LORD in the Beauty of Holiness
8:00 am |
11:00 am | |
Call to Worship |
Dn Aaron Khoo |
Dn Aaron Khoo |
Opening Hymn |
I Will Praise Him (TSMS 640) |
I Will Praise Him (TSMS 640) |
Invocation-Gloria Patri |
Scripture Reading |
John 19:28-37 |
John 19:28-37 |
Hymn |
’Tis the Christ (HGG 150) |
’Tis the Christ (HGG 150) |
Offertory Hymn |
Is Your All on the Altar? (TSMS 230) |
Is Your All on the Altar? (TSMS 230) |
Doxology & Prayer | ||
Pastoral Prayer | ||
Sermon |
The Twofold Cleansing (Zechariah 13:1-9) by Bro Mok Chee Cheong |
The Twofold Cleansing (Zechariah 13:1-9) by Bro Mok Chee Cheong |
Closing Hymn |
There Is a Fountain (HGG 267) |
There Is a Fountain (HGG 267) |
Benediction | ||
Announcements |
EMMANUEL REFORMED BIBLE COLLEGE was established in August 2016 as a result of the collaborative efforts of like-minded Bible-Presbyterian Churches. Our vision is to train faithful servants of Christ who will disseminate the pure Gospel and defend the faith in order to plant and build up sound, fundamental reformed churches of Christ locally and globally. The biblical basis for this vision can be found in the following passage of Scripture:
“And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then saith He unto His disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth labourers into His harvest.” (Matthew 9:35-38)
The Labourers Are Few
The urgency of our task is highlighted when Jesus said that the harvest of souls is plenteous, but the labourers are few. The supply cannot meet the demand because not many are willing to be involved in the work. It is sad that very few Christians want to give their lives to serve the Lord full-time today. God’s Kingdom is losing too many potential labourers to the world of business, finance and industry. Few are willing to forsake the world and follow Christ.
The present number of pastors and fulltime workers are already struggling to do so much. They have limited time left to be involved in the harvest. They cannot go on working forever. The day will come when they will have to retire because of old age or disability. Eventually, new ones have to be recruited to take their place. Doors of outreach and ministry are opening everywhere, but who will go? How can this need of labourers for the harvest be met?
This need is not to be met by canvassing or advertising for them. Neither should it be met by offering very attractive compensation packages or by conscripting Christians into service. These are methods that human organizations and national governments would use to resolve their shortage of manpower.
The Supply of Labourers
The Lord wants us to depend on Him for the supply of labourers for His harvest. He wants us to keep asking Him to call more men and women to serve Him fulltime. Prayer is something that all of us can be involved in for the Lord’s harvest. And as we pray, He will provide all the labourers that are needed. Then our task is to train and equip them to do the work of bringing God’s Word to the multitudes who need it.
When ERBC was launched we wondered if there would be any fulltime students for us to train and equip. We started with six students. Now in our eighth year, we have a student body of nine fulltime students from four different countries. By God’s grace, we had five batches of graduates with a total of 21 alumni. A couple who is now serving in India has testified, “Since our graduation, our journey has been characterized by the deep influence of the teachings and principles imparted to us during our time at ERBC. The knowledge and wisdom gained have been instrumental in shaping our efforts to build and nurture our church community according to God’s divine plan. One significant transformation we’ve witnessed is our ability through God’s help to approach teaching systematically, guiding our congregation through the depths of God’s Word with clarity and purpose the way we were taught at ERBC. We have been able to see the motto of our College fulfilled here: To seek, To do, and To teach (Ezra 7:10). We are also trying to prepare men and women who will, in turn, go into the neighbouring villages and towns with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Another couple is now serving the Lord as missionaries of Life B-P Church in Kompong Som, Cambodia. We thank God for using brother Lim Kwang Taek and sister Miriam Phan in this mission field for the past 16 months after graduating from ERBC in November 2022. Sister Lilian Lee, a Lifer who is presently serving at Evangel Reformed Seminary in Kuala Lumpur, was from the first batch of graduates. This year she has become a lecturer of ERBC, helping to train more labourers for the harvest.
The Training of Labourers
All this is the Lord’s doing, not ours. We must thank God for giving the increase. But while we do that, we must also keep running and developing ERBC by faith, trusting God to provide many more labourers to be trained for His great harvest. In order to do that, we need support from God’s people. If you wish to make a donation to ERBC, please write to info@erbc.sg. This is an investment that will reap enduring results for eternity. As ERBC is not an Institution of Public Character (IPC), donors do not enjoy tax benefits from donations.
If you want to build up your knowledge of God’s Word, please enroll as a part-time student in our courses. The details of the courses which will be offered in the next semester which begins on 5 July 2024 can be found at www.erbc.sg. Since the beginning of this year, audit students have the option of attending lectures online. On-site attendance is required only for credit students.
But perhaps you should also consider carefully whether it is God’s will for you to serve Him fulltime and enroll as a fulltime student at ERBC. It is a high calling to be serving the Lord – don’t dismiss it in favour of the career opportunities the world has to offer. Parents, please don’t discourage your children from fulltime service if they sense that God is calling them to serve Him. God gave His only begotten Son to save you. Can you not give yours to serve Him? May the Lord of the harvest answer our prayers for the urgent need for labourers.
– Pastor
Appointments for the Week
Monday, Jun 10 to Friday, Jun 14
Church Camp
Tuesday, Jun 11
8.00 pm No Prayer Meeting
Sunday, Jun 16
8.00 am “Super Dad” Ephesians 5:22-6:9 (Eld Clement Tan, with Holy Communion)
8.00 am Choir Practice
9.15 am Library (Sanctuary Balcony)
9.40 am Sunday School: Missionary Sunday
10.15 am Coffee Corner
11.00 am “Super Dad” Ephesians 5:22-6:9 (Eld Clement Tan)
11.00 am Children’s Ministry
11.00 am Chinese Service (MPH)
11.00 am Filipina Service (Rm 1-6)
12.15 pm Library (Sanctuary Balcony)
2.30 pm Thai Service (LMH)
4.00 pm Indonesian Service (Rm 1-6)
Gospel Sunday 30 June 2024 (8am & 11am)
“In the fulness of Time” by Rev Bendick Ong
Life BPC Job Vacancies
- Church Operations Manager (COM)
The COM provides active oversight and support in the mission, administrative affairs and general operations of the Church including Financial Management, HR, MIS Technology, Media Technology, Facilities and General Administration.
- Bachelor degree or higher
- Minimum 5 years’ experience in operations or managerial positions
- Good interpersonal and communications skills
- Estate Management Officer (EMO)
EMO plans, oversees and coordinates all property management and preventive maintenance activities associated for the church premises. Coordinates facilities usage for a range of Church activities and Church’s authorized users using the premises. The EMO reports to the Church Operation Manager.
- Diploma or equivalent
- 5 years’ experience in real estate management and maintenance
- Certification in real estate management and maintenance is an added advantage
- Lifers are preferred
Candidates with relevant qualifications and experience may submit your application and CV to src@lifebpc.com. We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Traffic Warden Service
We welcome all church members to join in this work. Our TW’s role is to provide godly service to facilitate worship. We need help in following time slots for Sunday: 7.30-8am or 10.30-11am with a frequency of once or twice a month. Please contact Dn Chan Yong or Bro Kelvin.
Pastoral Assistance
Members who need pastoral assistance during the church camp week (10-14 June) can contact Rev Lim Chee Boon.
Catechism Class for Anniversary Baptism on 20 October 2024
commences on 14 July 2024. Please pre-register by emailing to Church Office. Those seeking baptism, reaffirmation of faith and transfer of membership must attend the catechism class. Closing date: 7 July 2024.
Coffee Corner
The Coffee Corner team wishes to thank church members for their food contribution. If you wish to contribute any food item, kindly fill in the form/chart that is posted at the Coffee Corner during operations hours. Or you can contact Sister Amy. This is so that we can plan accordingly for the amount of food we are serving and prepare the appropriate eating utensils.
Kindly note that however much we appreciate your kindness, due to concerns over Food Safety and SGsecure, we cannot serve food that is left anonymously at the Coffee Corner tables or on the Kitchen counter. We beg your understanding on this matter.
Thank you for your continuing support for this ministry.
Holy Communion Elements Preparation
Lifers are invited to serve in the Holy Communion elements preparation, clean-up and washing. Those interested may contact Jenny or Wendy
Church Camp 2024 (10-14 June)
Camp T-shirts are available for collection at the front of the Sanctuary today during Sunday school period (9.30am to 10.45am) and immediately after the second service.
Love gift to defray the cost of the camp is welcomed.
For those who are taking coach to Awana, please meet tomorrow in church before 6.25am. For those driving/flying to Awana, please meet tomorrow in Awana Wawasan Hall around 3pm. See you there tomorrow!
Date: 16th June 2024
Time: 9.40am to 10.35am
Venue: Sanctuary
Speakers: Rev Efendi (Batam) and Bro Lim Kwang Taek / Sis Miriam Phan (Cambodia)
All church members are invited to join, including the Young Lifers' Ministry.
Children's Programme (Nursery/Primary Dept and Junior Dept): Held in Life Meeting Hall with a message by Sis Roska (Indonesia).
Offerings collected will be designated to Batam & Cambodia missions (main programme) and to Indonesia missions (children's programme).
Men’s Ministry
The Life BPC Men’s Ministry would like to invite all our Christian brothers to join us for fortnightly Bible study starting from 12/13 July 2024. To register, please contact the Men's Ministry via our email address: mm@lifebpc.com
Exploring Christianity
7 July – 14 August 2024, 9.30am – 10.45am @ Life B-P Church Beulah Centre.
What is the meaning of life? Why am I here? If there is a good and powerful God, why do we have global pandemics and unrest in this world? The answers to these questions can be found in the Bible, which is God's word to man.
Exploring Christianity is a course that looks at how the Bible addresses these pertinent questions about life. It is a 5-part series and is suitable for (1) Non-Christians seeking God and (2) Christians who would like to learn how to evangelise
All Lifers are encouraged to bring their non-Christian friends and family members to this introductory course on the Christian faith. Register at https://tinyurl.com/ECJULY24
YAF Retreat 2024 22-24 Nov 2024
YAF would like to welcome all young adults and youth to YAF Retreat 2024! This will be our first overnight retreat since 2019 and we look forward to a sweet time of learning and fellowship in Christ. This year’s theme, “Growing Pains, Chasing Gains”, is centred on the challenges and uncertainties that young adults face as we attempt to navigate adulthood and parenthood, as well as seek God’s will for our lives. If you would like to join us from 22-24 Nov 2024, please sign up via the QR code.
LTF Camp 2024 2-6 Dec 2024
For ages 12-17 years old. Venue: Life B-P Church. Save the Date!