8 September 2024 - GOD’S LIVING WATER

O Worship the LORD in the Beauty of Holiness


8:00 am

11:00 am 
Call to Worship

Dn Lim Ming Yann

Dn Lim Ming Yann

Opening Hymn

O Worship the King (HGG 46) 

O Worship the King (HGG 46)

Invocation-Gloria Patri


Scripture Reading

Luke 18:1-8

Luke 18:1-8


Sweet Hour of Prayer (HGG 662) 

Sweet Hour of Prayer (HGG 662)

Offertory Hymn

Day by Day (HGG 457) 

Day by Day (HGG 457)

Doxology & Prayer    
Pastoral Prayer    

The Priority of Prayer (Nehemiah 1:1-11) by Rev Quek kk 

The Priority of Prayer (Nehemiah 1:1-11) by Rev Quek kk
Closing Hymn

Teach Me to Pray (HGG 674) 

Teach Me to Pray (HGG 674)







Thank God for preserving Rhoda and me during our stay in the North Carolina for the last six months. With NC being a conservative state, part of the Bible belt, we are thankful to worship in a local church of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian denomination. Commuting to work means a 45-min drive which allows me to tune in to the Bible Broadcasting Network (BBN) for hymns, a sermon extract from The Moody Church, as well as a daily Bible quiz. This routine is a highlight for me every day. 

On one particular morning, I was intrigued by a quiz question. The question asked from which Book can we locate the verse that says the water in Jerusalem will split with half flowing to the eastern sea and half to the western sea. Upon a check, as well as through the subsequent pulpit study of Zechariah, I came to know this verse is taken from Zechariah 14:8.


The Living Water has a saving effect 

The Book of Zechariah is often known as the Revelation of the Old Testament. Here, we have a firm proclamation of a glorious future when the Lord returns. And it shall be in that day ‘…living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea: in summer and in winter shall it be’ (Zechariah 14:8).  

Apart from these phenomenal ecological changes, the land to the north and south of Jerusalem will be flattened so that Jerusalem would be highly elevated (v.10). I take the view that these are metaphorical in nature. Jerusalem will be exalted as the calling point of salvation, men will repent and come to the King of all the earth (v.9) to enjoy the living water of saving grace. 

Many people do not know the Lord. And they need the Lord. The world is in a bleak state of turmoil and many are gripped with the fear of unprecedented uncertainties. If you are one who is seeking the truth, be assured today that Jesus is the source of the living water. If any man thirst, let him come unto Jesus and drink. The water given by Jesus has a saving effect, it gives you an everlasting life (John 4:14, 7:37)! 


The Living Water has a sustaining effect 

Like the twelve fountains of Elim that gave sweet relief to the journeying Israelites, God’s living water is fresh and ever-flowing. However, we are not always appreciative. Having tasted the goodness of the Lord, the Bible says we are not thankful but became vain in our imaginations, and our foolish heart was darkened (Romans 1:21). 

It is recorded that Benjamin Franklin, a publisher, scientist and a founding father of the USA, departed from his Christian faith during his adulthood. Having befriended the English preacher George Whitefield during his preaching tours in colonial America, Benjamin Franklin was constantly urged to return to the Lord. In one letter, George Whitefield congratulated him for his scientific success (i.e., the famous kite experiment), but gravely reminded him of the need for new birth in Christ.

As you have made a pretty considerable progress in the mysteries of electricity, I would now humbly recommend to your diligent unprejudiced pursuit and study the mystery of the new birth. It is a most important, interesting study, and when mastered, will richly answer and repay you for all your pains. One at whose bar we are shortly to appear, hath solemnly declared, that without it, “we cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.”

(GW, London, 17 Aug 1752)


If you are a lukewarm believer struggling to follow Jesus, you need to reflect and pin down the root cause. Is it due to a wandering eye looking for glamour, a covetous heart clamouring for more wealth, or a haughty spirit seeking after self-glory? It pains the Lord to have a sheep lost from the sheepfold. The Shepherd wants us to walk close to Him to enjoy the refreshing still water. To do so, you need to make decisive actions: 

  1. Renew yourself in God. Repent from the wayward life, maintain the daily Bible reading, prayer and public worship. It is an exercise you must do every day to stay spiritually fit and healthy.
  2. Resolve to serve God. We are saved to serve the Lord. A servant is expected to serve with calloused hands, not one to stay by the side with folded arms. God makes a distinction between him that serveth and him that serveth not (Malachi 3:18). Those who labour in love will not be forgotten (Hebrews 6:10). If we choose to stay away from active participation in the Church, we deprive ourselves of the grace of sweet communion and blessed fellowship. Being an unprofitable servant with a habit of malingering is not an enviable state when the Lord returns. 


Today, if you are seeking the formula to success and prosperity in life, this open secret is found in the Bible. It is a life revived by God, a life sustained by God. May we be like the trees planted by the rivers of water, who will bear fruit in his season, his leaf will not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper (Psalm 1:3). 

Elder Roger Lim


Shorter Catechism Question 12

Q: What special act of providence did God exercise toward man in the estate wherein he was created?

A: When God had created man, he entered into a covenant of life with him, upon condition of perfect obedience; forbidding him to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, upon pain of death. 



Appointments for the Week

Monday, Sep 9

        7.30 pm     ERBL: Intro to Biblical Counselling (Mr Joel Seah)

Tuesday, Sep 10

        8.00 pm     Prayer Meeting (Dn Timotheus Lee)

Wednesday, Sep 11

      10.00 am     SF Meeting

Thursday, Sep 12

      10.00 am     Ladies’ Prayer Group

        7.30 pm     ERBL: The Book of Proverbs (Rev Lim Chee Boon)

Saturday, Sep 14

        3.00 pm     LTF / YLM / MM

        4.00 pm     LF Thanksgiving Anniversary (MPH)

Sunday, Sep 15

  8.00 am Arise and Build! Nehemiah 2:1-20 (Rev Charles Seet, with Holy Communion)

  8.00 am Choir Practice

  9.15 am Library (Sanctuary Balcony)

  9.40 am Sunday School / Catechism Class

10.15 am Coffee Corner

11.00 am Arise and Build! Nehemiah 2:1-20 (Rev Charles Seet)

11.00 am Children’s Ministry

11.00 am Chinese Service (MPH)

11.00 am Filipina Service (Rm 1-6)

12.15 pm Library (Sanctuary Balcony)

  2.30 pm Thai Service (LMH)

  4.00 pm Indonesian Service (Rm 1-6)


Preaching appointment:

Rev Seet at Sharon BPC, 10.30am.




Life BPC Job Vacancies

  1. Church Operations Manager (COM)


The COM provides active oversight and support in the mission, administrative affairs and general operations of the Church including Financial Management, HR, MIS Technology, Media Technology, Facilities and General Administration.


  • Bachelor degree or higher
  • Minimum 5 years’ experience in operations or managerial positions
  • Good interpersonal and communications skills 
  1. Estate Management Officer (EMO)


EMO plans, oversees and coordinates all property management and preventive maintenance activities associated for the church premises. Coordinates facilities usage for a range of Church activities and Church’s authorized users using the premises. The EMO reports to the Church Operation Manager.


  • Diploma or equivalent
  • 5 years’ experience in real estate management and maintenance
  • Certification in real estate management and maintenance is an added advantage
  • Lifers are preferred 

Candidates with relevant qualifications and experience may submit your application and CV to src@lifebpc.com. We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Infant Baptism on Church Anniversary, 20 October 2024

Parents, please email the church office, with your full names, contact numbers, and your child’s name and date of birth by 22 September 2024.


Door to Door Evangelism 15 September 2024 

Meet in Beulah Room 2-11, 12.30pm Contact: Desmond or Amos 


Traffic Warden Service

We welcome all church members to join in this work. Our TW’s role is to provide godly service to facilitate worship. We need help in following time slots for Sunday: 7.30-8am or 10.30-11am with a frequency of once or twice a month. Please contact Dn Chan Yong or Bro Kelvin .


Holy Communion Elements Preparation

Lifers are invited to serve in the Holy Communion elements preparation, clean-up and washing. Those interested may contact Jenny or Wendy .


Mailbox Club Bible Correspondence Course (MBCC)

Another Church Outreach Ministry invites Lifers to register their young children, teens, or grandchildren with our MBCC. Those whose loved ones, friends or colleagues who are either young in their faith or being non-believers, are interested to know and explore more of Christianity, are also invited to register with us by filling in the registration forms which are now available at the Church front counter and post them to:

Life B-P Church

No.10, Gilstead Road

Singapore 309064

Attention: Mrs Ong Chuay Ying


Ladies’ Fellowship 46th Anniversary

14 Sep 2024, Beulah MPH, 4-6pm followed by dinner. “One thing is necessary” by Rev Daniel Khoo


Senior Fellowship Seminar: Refire Not Retire! By Rev Lee Hann Yang

19 Oct 2024, Beulah MPH, 4-6pm followed by dinner. Register at https://www.lifebpc.com/sfseminar


Gospel Sunday

Please pray for our Gospel Sunday services which will be held on 29 September 2024.
English Service: "Christ, not religion, brings true righteousness" (Philippians 3:1-14) by Rev Mark Chen
Chinese Service: "Where does the Good News come from?" (Mark 1:1,14,15) by Rev Kew See Seong


Missions Seminar 2024

28 September; 3-6pm @ Beulah MPH. “Witnessing for Christ in the Last Days”

Speakers: Rev Charles Seet, Rev & Mrs Moses Hahn, Mr & Mrs Lim Kwang Taek, Bro Benjamin Heng

Registration link at: https://forms.gle/u92nfBsCWCgRDMaDA 


YAF Retreat

YAF would like to welcome all young adults and youth to YAF Retreat 2024! This will be our first overnight retreat since 2019 and we look forward to a sweet time of learning and fellowship in Christ. This year’s theme, “Growing Pains, Chasing Gains”, is centered on the challenges and uncertainties that young adults face as we attempt to navigate adulthood and parenthood, as well as seek God’s will for our lives.
Location: D'Resort @ Downtown East.

YAF members: $240 (Stay over) / $140 (Stay out)
YF members: $140 (Stay over / $100 (Stay out)

If you would like to join us from 22-24 Nov 2024, please sign up via the QR code by 8 September.


YLM Seminar: The Multigenerational Church

12 Oct 2024 @ Beulah MPH, 3-6 pm.


LTF Camp: Sed or Blessed

2-6 Dec 2024 @ Life B-P Church. Age Grp: 12-17. Speaker: Rev David Wong